Rasgulla Sweet recipe | How to make rasgulla | Bengali resogulla

 Rasgulla is a Bengali sweet which is popular in Kolkata. In Kolkata rasgulla is made when any occasion is there or any festival like durga puja , diwali etc. In kolkata when people visit to there relative house they take rasgulla because it is a traditional sweet in the kolkata. Well when we talk about the rasgulla it's also known in Kolkata resogulla.

The sweet is very much popular in Kolkata even in all over the country. The different religion  people like to eat kid of sweet in the same manner it's also a one kind of sweet dish. If we want the sweet should make like a sweet shop in home , yes we can make same sweet in home with less ingredients and those ingredients are easily available at home.

Let me share small tip to make this recipe at home. Well i am bengali and i made the sweet at home same like bengali style. Even you can make the sweet at home . But at the time of making just you need to keep in mind that they should not be lumps at the time of making sweet.

Now let's see how to make Rosgulla sweet step by step: 

Step 1: Take l litter fresh milk then bring it to boil, then take 1 cup water add 2 tbsp white vinegar mix it then add that to milk. Turn off the heat.

Step 2: Then strain in the bowl the whey.

( do pour some cold water to remove the last of vinegar. and to keep chhena soft.

Step 3: Hang it somewhere to let drip for an hour

Step 4: Knead until it gathers all together to make a soft and smooth dough.( they should not be any lumps)

The dough is ready

Step 5:  Take a bowl add 1 cup sugar, add 5 cup water, add 2 tbsp kewra water, add 3-4 cardamon 

bring all to a boiled

Step 6: Take a dough cut into 12 part then make a small smooth round ball

Do the same process for left over dough.

Step 7: Then add those ball into boiling sugar syrup and cover it. cook for 5 min in high flame and again cover for 5 min cook for medium flame. Now cook without lid 7-8 min in medium flame.

Then let it cool completely then refrigerate.

At last the yummy sweet is ready to serve it!!

Do, try this recipe and share your experience in comment box!!

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