Idli Dhokla

Idli Dhokla is intended Dhokla, an extremely popular in India. It is basically a South Indian snack. This snack can be make very easily with less ingredients. 

As we  know Dhokla is a fomous in gujarati. So,this come kind of different recipe. It is mixed of South Indian and Gujarati dish. The batter and will be of Dhokla but the basically shap will be of Idli.

The Idli Dhokla can be eaten in snacks with tomato  sauce. With this the taste will be perfect. 

Well this snack is like by all ages group of people. This is some kind of different type of recipe.

This can be served to kid's in they lunch box with tomato sauce. After eating this delicious dish they  will be very happy.

So, Now let lock into the recipe of making IDLI DHOKLA step by step.

Step 1:  First we need to make the batter.

Step 2:  Strained 150 gram gram flour in a mixing bowl, then add 1/2 cup  semolina, followed by                           3/4 cup of  Whisker curd.

Step 3: Then mixed well by adding little little water to it.

Step 4: Mixed it well until the lumps dissolved  and until it get a smooth batter.

Step 5: After getting the smooth batter add  spices to it.

Step 6: Start adding by salt 1/2 tbsp or as per  the taste, then add 1/2 of ginger paste  and last add 2 tbsp               of lemon and   then mixed well.

Step 7:  Now the batter will be thick. For  making that batter we used 3/4 cup  curd and 1/2 cup water.

Step 8: Then add 2 tbsp of sugar and 1/4 tbsp of  turmeric powder to it and mixed it then keep the                       batter a side for a 10 min.

Step 9: Now take the idli stand and grease it. Over apply the oil on every mold.

Step 10: After 10 min the batter will be ready; to it now add eno fruit  salt ( 3/4 tbsp).

Step 11:  After adding just mix the eno salt to the batter.( don't stir the batter too long and dont't whisk                    it  too much)

Step 12 : Now pour the batter into the molds.

Step 13 : For cooking we taken a simmer 2 cup water in a vessel. when the water  start simmering ,                          place the idli stand inside it and cover it.

Step 14: Now let it simmer for 15 min on medium flame.

( There should be constant formation of steam in the vessel)

Step 15 : After 15 min the dhokla will be ready , if you want to check used knife for checking.

Step 16: Dhokla is ready, turn off the flame and take out the stand.( take out from the stand after it is                      cool)
 (Till it get cool let  prepare tempering for the idlis)

Step 17: Take a small pan heat it then add 2 to 3 tbsp of oil, after that add 1/2 tbsp of red mustard                             seeds, add 10 to 12 curry leaves and saute for a while. After that add 1/2 cup water in the                             tempering, following by 1 tbsp sugar and salt.( let simmer until the sugar dissolved                                   completed)

Step 18: After it cool take out the dhokla by using the knife from the mold.( do the similar process for                  everyone)

Now pour the tempering over the dhokla, followed by some fresh grated coconut. and also add  green coriander leave for garnishing .

At last yummy and scrumptious  idli dhokla is ready to serve with tomato sauce, green coriander chutney, coconut chutney.

Now i am presenting a video so that it will help you to understand more easily and you can make very fastly the Idli dhosa.

Do try this recipe and share your experience in comment.

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